Article X

I. The Diety of the Christ.

A. Negatively: Not made nor created.

1. Many heretics have so maintained: that Christ WAS created or made.

a. Arius (condemned by the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D.) was willing to call Christ “the Son of God” as a title. He was “god-like” but not the essence of God.

b. Socinians (which arose after the Reformation) denied His eternal existance.

c. Modernists as well as Unitarians, Jehovah’s Witnesses deny this truth.

2. The Confession rightly denies this:

a. This would make of the Christ a mere creature.

b. And it would prevent the payment of atonement for our sins.

B. Positively:

1. Christ is the only begotten Son of God.

2. He is begotten from eternity.

3. He is co-essential and co-eternal with the Father.

4. He is the express image of His person (substance) and brightness of His glory.

5. He is equal to Him in all things.

II. Proof of Christ’s Deity:

A. He is given Divine Names:

1. Only begotten Son (or: only begotten God) John 1:18.

2. Jehovah our righteousness Jer. 23:6

3. The Word who is with God and is God John 1:1ff.

4. The brightness of His glory, the express image of His Person Heb. 1:3.

a. Presents a distinct personal subsistance.

b. A perfect likeness (express image–as that imprinted in wax).

c. Eternal generation (being the brightness of His glory).

B. To Him are attributed Divine works:

1. Creation Heb. 1:2; John 1:3

2. Judgment John 5:22

3. Resurrection from the dead John 5:25

4. He causes all to be subject to Him Phil. 3:31.

C. He has divine virtues.

1. He is eternal. Heb. 7:3; Micah 5:2

2. Mighty God Is. 9:6

3. Power is His Matt. 28:18

4. Omniscience John 2:24

D. Divine honor is ascribed to Him.

1. Honor the Son as we honor the Father John 5:21

2. To deny the Son is to deny the Father I John 2:23.

3. Worship is directed to Him Heb. 1:7

4. He is called God John 20:28

III. Importance of this truth:

A. The truth of vicarious atonement depends on this truth.

1. Christ must be very God to bear the infinite wrath of God for our sins.

2. Any mere creature must succumb under that wrath.

B. The application of His work is possible only because He is Divine God.


A. Supplementary reading:

1. Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 6; 13.

2. Canons of Dordt II-2, 3.

3. Westminster Larger Catechism, Questions 11, 36, 38, 40.

B. Prooftext (Deity of Christ) John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”

C. Questions for study and consideration:

1. Can you explain why heretics want to deny the deity of Christ?

2. What is the argument of the Jehovah’s Witnesses concerning Christ’s deity? What would they say of John 1?

3. In what sense does the Arminian deny Christ’s deity?

4. How does the Name “Jesus” reveal His deity?

5. What explanation is commonly given to Is. 7:14 concerning virgin birth of Christ?

6. Can one deny Christ’s deity and yet be Christian?

7. How do the Canons speak of the value of the death of the Son of God?

8. How do the Canons speak of the necessity of His Divinity?

9. How does the Westminster Catechism confirm the above?