I. The Church
A. The use of the term “church”.
1. The English term: church.
a. Comes from a word indicating “house of the Lord.”
b. This can be used in various ways:
1) In reference to the building.
2) Or: the total number of those comprising the organization.
3) Or: the elect of God chosen before the foundation of the earth.
2. The usual Hebrew and Greek terms for “church” suggest: to be called out.
a. This emphasizes the separation of the church from the world.
b. And suggests that such takes place through the power of the Word of God Who calls.
3. Its multiformity:
a. Negatively: the suggestion is often made that many churches are part of the multiformity.
1) That there can be many ways to “get to heaven.”
2) That each denomination involves a different way of coming there.
b. Positively.
1) The church is manifested in many ways: its worship life; its mercy; its fellowship and communion; etc.
2) So is seen the beauty of God’s work in His church.
B. The terms designating the church:
1. Militant–triumphant.
a. Militant represents the church yet on the earth which must fight the battle of faith. (Sometimes this is termed: the church in suffering).
b. Triumphant is the church in heaven which has the final victory (sometimes termed: the church in glory).
c. Latent–a term referring to the church which must still be born.
2. Visible–invisible.
a. The invisible church, we believe, is the elect church on earth in whose heart the Spirit has worked, but which work is not yet manifest.
b. The visible church is the invisible church as it comes to full revelation through word and work.
3. Institution–Organism.
a. Organism emphasizes the church which has its life out of Christ and is strengthened through the means He provides.
b. Institution is the same church as it is seen with its officebearers and government directing its life on the earth.
II. The attributes of the church.
A. Its oneness.
1. The Roman Catholic Church maintains that the oneness is found only it itself.
2. We believe that oneness emphasizes the unity of the many members in Christ.
a. There are many denominations now on the earth.
b. But the fact remains that the body of Christ is not divided–and this will become very evident in heaven.
B. Its holiness.
1. The church on this earth never attains unto perfection.
2. But its holiness is twofold:
a. A holiness merited for it in Jesus Christ.
b. A holiness which now belongs to it principally in Christ.
C. Its catholicity. (universality).
1. The Roman Catholic Church insists that this title belongs to it alone.
2. We believe that it refers to the gathering of the church from all the world.
D. Its apostolicity–that the church is founded also on the infallible instructions of the apostles.
E. (The church endures forever). Never a time on the earth when there is no church.
A. Supplementary reading:
1. Scripture: Ephesians 6.
2. Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 21.
3. The Westminster Larger Catechism, questions 62-65.
B. Questions for further consideration:
1. What is the usual conception of the “invisible” church? How does it differ from the suggested usage in the outline? Any reason for this difference?
2. Is the church on earth also “triumphant”? If so, how?
3. What is suggested by the term “militant”?
4. What does Eph. 6 suggest about proper militancy?
5. Is it in any way the calling of the church to be militant in the sense that this is generally understood today?
6. Is there a difference between the militancy of the body of Christ in the Old Testament and in the New?
7. What is the principal part of the armor of the child of God?
8. Can you find other names of the “church” as given in Scripture?
9. When did the church have its beginning? Give reasons for answer.
1O. What is the Roman Catholic view of apostolicity?