Introduction: there have been various views of the Lord’s Supper.

A. The Roman Catholic view: Transubstantiation.

1. This teaches that the bread and wine change into the body and blood of Christ when the priest speaks the word of consecration.

2. It is based upon John 6 and the words of institution: “This is my body.”

3. But it is very wrong:

a. Suggests that the grace of God is in things.

b. God then would deceive with respect to the elements used.

c. It results in idolatry.

d. It misunderstands the words of Christ.

B. Lutheran view: Consubstantiation.

1. These believe that the body of Christ is in and under the bread and wine.

2. This is also based on the words of institution.

3. We reject it for many of the same reasons listed above.

C. View of Zwingli: it is but a feast of remembrance.

D. Reformed view: the Christian partakes spiritually of the body of Christ as he partakes of the literal bread and wine.

I. The purpose and work of the Lord’s Supper.

A. It is the sign of nourishment and support of the new life of Christ in us.

1. This is seen:

a. In that the supper is repeatedly administered–even as we must repeatedly eat.

b. And administered to confessing believers.

2. The elements are appropriate also for this:

a. The bread (the staff of life) is used to suggest nourishment through Christ’s body.

b. The wine suggests both the redness of blood and the spiritual joy in Christ.

B. Its work:

1. It strengthens the Christian spiritually–particularly his faith.

2. Thus it is more than a “memorial” feast.

II. Proper partakers of the supper–and the manner of their partaking.

A. Christ gave the supper for belierers.

1. Unbelievers partake to their condemnation (did Judas Iscariot partake?).

2. Therefore we are to rightly examine ourselves:

a. To see our sins.

b. To behold the deliverance in the cross of Christ.

c. To see in us the desire to walk in all holiness.

B. It is received in the assembly of God.

1. It may not be administered apart from the church.

2. But it is given by Christ to the church:

a. To be administered to the church with its elders, deasons, and ministers.

b. To be administered with the preaching of the Word.

1) The Word must also be central in this sacrament.

2) The sacrament must serve to emphasize the truth of the preaching.

III. Rejection of profanations:

A. The Heidelberg Catechism calls the mass “an accursed idolatry.” Is this too strong?

1. Undoubtedly, this article has in mind especially the Romish celebration.

2. And emphasizes how that such distortions are to be condemned.

B. Also all modern-day profanations are to be condemned.

1. Many modern worship services have distorted the idea of communion at the Lord’s table.

2. One must beware of all of this too.


1. What does the article mean when it says that we really partake of Christ’s body?

2. What of the change made from common to individual cups?

3. What form must be used in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper?

4. Ought communion to be administered more frequently than we do?

5. Are there other ways in which communion service could be improved?