Category: Netherlands Confession (Outline)

  • Article X – That Jesus Christ is True and Eternal God (2)

    “We believe that Jesus Christ, according to his divine nature, is the only begotten Son of God, begotten from eternity, not made nor created (for then he should be a creature), but co-essential and co-eternal with the Father, the express image of his person, and the brightness of his glory, equal unto him in all…

  • Article XI – That the Holy Ghost is True and Eternal God (2)

    “We believe and confess also, that the Holy Ghost, from eternity, proceeds from the Father and Son; and therefore neither is made, created, nor begotten, but only proceedeth from both; who in order is the third person of the Holy Trinity; of one and the same essence, majesty and glory with the Father, and the…

  • Article XII – Of the Creation (2)

    “We believe that the Father by the Word, that is by his Son, hath created of nothing the heaven, the earth, and all creatures, as it seemed good unto him, giving unto every creature its being, shape, form, and several offices, to serve its Creator. That he doth also still uphold and govern them by…

  • Article XIII – Of Divine Providence (2)

    “We believe that the same God, after he had created all things, did not forsake them, or give them up to fortune or chance, but that he rules and governs them according to his holy will, so that nothing happens in this world without his appointment: nevertheless, God neither is the author of, nor can…

  • Article XIV – Of the Creation and Fall of Man, and His Incapacity to Perform What is Truly Good (2)

    “We believe that God created man out of the dust of the earth, and made and formed him after his own image and likeness, good, righteous, and holy, capable in all things to will, agreeably to the will of God. But being in honor, he understood it not, neither knew his excellency, but willfully subjected…

  • Article I – That there is Only One God (2)

    A. Introduction 1. The Netherlands Confession follows the dogmatical order a. It begins with theology b. That is significant. God is author and foundation of all truth 2. Here too we have evidence of a confession a. We do not simply say there is a God b. Rather, I believe God exists and He is…

  • Article II – By what means God is made known unto us (2)

    A. The Knowledge of God. 1. We confess we believe in God. This implies we know God. We must distinguish a. Comprehension, which means we are able to place God within the complete understanding of man’s mind. This is humanly impossible, see Job 11:7 b. Knowledge, which is more than intellectual assent to holding as…

  • Article VII – The sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures, to be the only rule of faith (2)

    “We believe that those Holy Scriptures fully contain the will of God, and that whatsoever man ought to believe, unto salvation, is sufficiently taught therein. For, since the whole manner of worship, which God requires of us, is written in them at large, it is unlawful for anyone, though an apostle, to teach otherwise than…

  • Article XXV – Of the Abolishing Of the Ceremonial Law (2)

    “We believe that the ceremonies and figures of the law ceased at the coming of Christ, and that all the shadows are accomplished…” 1. In the days of the old dispensation the people of God were under the law, and hence there were ceremonies and figures and shadows of things to come: a. Reality was…

  • Article XXVI – Of Christ’s Intercession (2)

    “We believe that we have no access unto God, but alone through the only Mediator….” 1. This article deals with the intercession of our Savior for us in heaven with the Father: a. The place of the article here in this connection must be explained from the fact that prayer is the highest expression of…