Category: Studies in the Book of Daniel
Daniel: Chapter 1
General Questions: 1. When did Daniel live? 2. Why was this book written? 3. Find out information concerning Jehoiakim (see II Kings 24:1-6; II Chron. 36:5-8). 4. Find out information on Nebuchadnezzar (Scripture, Bible Dictionary, etc.) 5. Where is the land of Shinar (vs. 2)? What might be its significance here (see Gen. 11:4)? 6.…
Daniel: Chapter 2
General Questions: 1. Why should God give a dream of revelation to an unbelieving king? 2. How did Nebuchadnezzar know that this dream was different from normal dreams? 3. Can you explain why Nebuchadnezzar should be so troubled? 4. Who were those called to interpret the king’s dream? 5. What did these wise men expect…
Daniel: Chapter 3
General Questions: 1. What would have given Nebuchadnezzar the idea to build an image? 2. What was the size of the image in feet? 3. Of what was the image made? Why this? 4. Can you find any information on the “plain of Dura?” 5. Does this image remind one of the antichrist and his…
Daniel: Chapter 4
Questions: 1. Of what does the first verse remind you? 2. What of a “peace multiplied?” 3. Does Nebuchadnezzar show true repentance in the first three verses? Give reasons. 4. Is there any semblance between Nebuchadnezzar’s confession—and that of the wicked in the day of judgment? 5. God sent the dream to Nebuchadnezzar. But does…
Daniel: Chapter 5
Questions: 1. What is the time interval between this chapter and the last? 2. Who was Belshazzar and what was his relationship to Nebuchadnezzar? 3. Find out the circumstances of the kingdom of Babylon at this time. 4. What can one conclude from the events of this great feast at this time? 5. What was…