Daniel: Chapter 2

General Questions:

1. Why should God give a dream of revelation to an unbelieving king?

2. How did Nebuchadnezzar know that this dream was different from normal dreams?

3. Can you explain why Nebuchadnezzar should be so troubled?

4. Who were those called to interpret the king’s dream?

5. What did these wise men expect of the king?

6. Did the king actually forget his dream—or was he testing the wise men? Explain.

7. What was the “deal” the king made with the wise men?

8. Was the king cruel in his challenge of the wise men?

9. Were the wise men correct in what they say in verse 10?

10. Why should Daniel be included in this decree to kill the wise men? Why was he not first asked about the meaning of the dream?

11. What was Daniel’s request of Arioch? What did he ask of the king?

12. What was the first thing Daniel and his friends did in seeking the meaning of the dream?

13. Daniel evidently went to sleep after the prayers. Were there others in Scripture who did likewise though their lives were threatened?

14. What did God reveal to Daniel?

15. What was Daniel’s response to this revelation?

16. To whom does Daniel give credit for the ability to reveal the dream? What does that teach us?

17. What was the dream which the king had?

18. What did each part of the image represent?

19. What is the stone which smote the image? How do we explain its “filling the whole earth?” When shall this be?

20. Does the king’s response reflect conversion on his part?

21. How did God use this event to provide for His people in Babylon?

Principles and texts:

1. What does this account teach us concerning prayer?

2. How is the providence of God again evident in the account?

3. Does God still use dreams to give revelations? Explain.

4. What does this account show about the church’s calling to speak the gospel?

5. What is the heart of the gospel set forth in this dream and its meaning?

Personal applications:

1. Are we also to pray for things as did Daniel—the meaning of dreams perhaps?

2. Are we as ready to come to God in prayer for guidance and thanksgiving? Why or why not?

3. How are we to make known to others the victory of the cross?

4. Would we be able to sleep at night if we faced the threat which Daniel did?