General Questions:
1. What would have given Nebuchadnezzar the idea to build an image?
2. What was the size of the image in feet?
3. Of what was the image made? Why this?
4. Can you find any information on the “plain of Dura?”
5. Does this image remind one of the antichrist and his kingdom? Why or why not?
6. What might this image have represented in Nebuchadnezzar’s mind?
7. Who are gathered to “dedicate” this image? Why these?
8. Where was Daniel at this time?
9. What about other Jews who may have been present?
10. What was the king’s threat upon disobedience? Does this tell us anything of the reasons for men who would be ready to bow down and worship the image?
11. Comment on the instruments used? Compare this with the proper worship of Jehovah.
12. Who reported the three friends? Is there any explanation for reporting of these men?
13. Did Nebuchadnezzar give the three a fair “trial?”
14. How does one account for the answer of the three friends?
15. Were the three friends certain of deliverance?
16. What was the judgment of the king? What happened to the “mighty men?”
17. Is there any significance that the three friends were not even touched by the fire?
18. Who was the fourth man seen in the furnace? Explain.
19. What is Nebuchadnezzar’s response to what he saw?
20. Was Nebuchadnezzar converted? Explain your answer.
21. What was the effect of all of this on the three friends?
22. Did Nebuchadnezzar heed his own instruction to others?
1. What does this account teach us of God’s care of His people?
2. How is the providence of God again evident in the account?
3. Are we assured that God will always deliver His people as He did the three friends?
4. Compare the true worship of Jehovah with the worship as described in this chapter.
5. How does this account resemble the account in Revelation?
Personal applications:
1. Would we dare to face the threats which confronted these three friends?
2. How does steadfastness in the face of persecution apply to such times when there is no persecution?
3. What “images” would the devil and the world now have us to worship?
4. How can we prepare the children of the church for times of persecution?